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I have heard about miracles all of my life. I have seen Benny Hinn healing people with cancer. I have read about Jesus letting the deaf hear and the lame walk. Ever since I was little, I always thought that these miracle workers were God’s chosen few. I thought that just a small amount of people in the world were able to perform miracles, but my belief changed on June 31, 2007.

I was in the village of Maipuco in northern Peru on my first international mission trip with AIM. That day our group of twenty-seven split up into two groups. One group did VBS while the other did house-to-house evangelism. One of my teammates in the house-to-house group got a vision of a woman lying prostrate on the floor unable to move. After asking a few of the villagers if there was anybody paralyzed in the village, they found a woman who looked exactly like the one in the vision. They prayed over her for a few minutes and then left, but a few of the team members felt like they were not done with the woman.

During worship, my leader, Luis, pulled out Justin, the one who had the vision, and they went to pray over the woman again. After about thirty minutes of praying, both of them got the feeling that they should tell her to get up. Knowing that the woman had not walked in six months, Luis told her to stand. Immediately, the woman stood up and started walking around the room.

Justin and Luis told the team that story right after worship. It was at that moment that God told me, “Hey, you do not have to be Jesus or Benny Hinn to perform miracles. All you have to do is have faith in Me!” I believe that if I trust in Christ, I have the “authority to drive out all evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness” (Matthew 10:1).


  1. Trevor, that was amazing. I’m so excited for this trip, God is going to do great things through you and our team.

  2. Trevor i am so glade you shared this story with our new team! GOd did so many amazing things on our last trip, i can not wait to see what he does this summer!!!

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