Megan Dunegan doing minsitry in the Philippines :
There I was, walking through a small village in Bago La-asan, Philippines making house visits to the churches congregation. We went from house to house praying for health, jobs, food, daily living, the husbands jobs, etc. We had gone to about five different houses, and the last house we came to there was a young girl sitting on the ‘couch’ with her mother. The girl looked like she was sick, and the mother said that she is suffering from leukemia. She has had it for about six months now. Her blood plate level is at 14, and in a healthy person it’s over 100. Needless to say she is in poor condition. Her treatment is about 900 Pisos ($20) per week. She goes untreated, because her family can’t afford it. My heart broke for her as we prayed over her poor little body. I could give nothing but my prayers and tears.

“The only thing I could do was pray”…isn’t that always the answer though? Isn’t that all we should do or can do? I can’t heal them, so why should I think I can do anything more than pray, and be Jesus with skin on for them?